Kualitas Kepemimpinan dari Senior-senior Saya (Bagian I)

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Prabowo Subianto

There is an adage that says a true teacher should be proud to see his disciple surpass him. A true teacher will ensure that his students and his men are more successful than him. A true teacher will not hesitate to guide his students to realize their full potential and reach the highest rank in the interests of the nation and country.

Lieutenant General TNI (Ret.) Kemal Idris was a prominent figure in the Indonesian Armed Forces. He was known for his bravery, patriotism, and honesty. He played a crucial role in the early years of President Suharto’s administration and was a close friend of Prabowo Subianto’s uncle, who died in battle. Kemal Idris was a key figure in the New Order regime and was highly respected for his leadership.

Kemal Idris was known for being pro-people and a staunch nationalist. He was not afraid to speak out against corruption and was always honest and straightforward. Despite being considered a “naughty boy” by his seniors, he was always protected because of his bravery and leadership skills. Kemal Idris led his troops against the Dutch and fought rebels in the 1950s and 1965. After the G30S/PKI rebellion, he became a trusted confidant of President Suharto in the Army Strategic Reserves Command.

Prabowo Subianto admired Kemal Idris for his open and welcoming attitude, as well as his sense of humor. He learned a lot about leadership from him and valued his advice. Before Kemal Idris passed away, he urged Prabowo to keep fighting and take care of the Republic. Prabowo was deeply moved by his final words and saluted him with tears in his eyes.

Lieutenant General TNI (Ret.) Hartono Rekso Dharsono, also known as Pak Ton, was another influential figure in the Indonesian Armed Forces during the New Order era. He was a close friend of Prabowo’s family and had a successful career in the TNI. Pak Ton was known for his bravery and his willingness to speak out against authoritarianism and corruption.

Pak Ton was a popular figure among the people, students, and soldiers. He wore a distinctive Kujang beret and was idolized as a heroic figure, especially by the youth in West Java and Jakarta. He served as the Defence Attaché in London and had a prominent role in suppressing rebellions and maintaining unity within the TNI.

Despite facing accusations of supporting terror acts and being briefly imprisoned, Pak Ton remained steadfast in his beliefs and continued to push for a more democratic Indonesia. Prabowo Subianto, who was a junior officer at the time, visited him in prison and later worked with him on various projects. Prabowo admired Pak Ton for his courage and commitment to his principles.

In conclusion, both Kemal Idris and Hartono Rekso Dharsono were exemplary leaders in the Indonesian Armed Forces. They were known for their bravery, patriotism, and honesty, and they left a lasting impact on those who knew them. Prabowo Subianto, in particular, learned valuable lessons from both men and valued their friendship and guidance.